AGBU Plovdiv

Armenian General Benevolent Union

Month: November 2013


“Love” – The first album of Mary Movsesyan –Kaludova was presented in Burgas

“Love” – The first album of Mary Movsesyan –Kaludova was presented in Burgas   On Aug. 15 in Burgas began the traditional festival “Days of Armenian culture and traditions”, organized by the Association “United Armenians ” . The opening took…

Dance Groups

The AGBU program Musical Armenia 2013 took place in Armenia for second year

On 14 July this year from Plovdiv to Armenia went three young people who participated in the program AGBU Musical Armenia 2013 . Anahid Tateosyan – harp, viola Agop Tateosyan and Elise Gagosyan opera singing, presented for the first time…