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Literature meeting Varna – Plovdiv

On 14th of December this year in the cultural centre of radio Varna took place a creative meeting of the editorial boards of newspaper “Literature and Community” – Varna and newspaper “Agnu VOICE” – Plovdiv. In warm friendly atmosphere were exchanged the impressions from the mutual work of the two editions throughout the last four years.


Varna responsive audience meets heartily the representatives of  “AGBU VOICE” the editor of the newspaper Mrs. Hripsime Erniasian and the member of the editorial board Mrs.Elena Tamamdjieva. They gave speech to the audience about the activity of the media, what it reflects, who supports it, which are the accompanying activities, what participations in related formations has, as well as what confessions received the newspaper for his activity and what are future creative projects.

Stanislav Penev the chairman behalf of the association “Literature and Community” –Varna gave in Badge of honor about the association to the chairman of  AGBU Plovdiv Chapter – Mr. Rupen Chavushian, the honorary consul of Republic of Armenia in Varna Sarkis Sarkizov, to honorary consul of Republic of Armenia in Plovdiv Ehiazar Uzunian, to Hripsime Erniasian and Elena Tamamdjieva


The atmosphere of creativity and friendships was supplemented by the speech of law prof. Masis Hadjolian and Mr. Levon Ovanezov international arbiter of FIDE, which are among the regular contributor of both newspapers. With the speech of prof. Hadjolian pointed out that Armenian subject in the newspaper and the collaboration with “AGBU VOICE” from Plovdiv is “an innovation of the cultural life”, which deserves “a positive public evaluation including this found lasting impact in the website of the National Council for Collaboration for Ethnic and International Issues in the Council of Ministers”.


There were read verses written by poets from Plovdiv and Varna which were inspired by Armenian issues and Mr. Stanislav Penev read verses from his latest book which was out of print literally hours ago.

In the end of the meeting  Mrs.Hripsime Erniasian on behalf of the AGBU Plovdiv Chapter board gave in Ceificates for honorary membership in the Union to both activist about the Armenian cause and cultural exchange – Mr. Levon Ovanezov and Mr. Stanislav Penev and emphasized on the fact  that in the history of the Plovdiv chapter from 1910 there were only four owners of this badge.