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Varujan Vosganian’s novel “Whispered book” was presented by Children’s theater group “Malvina Manukyan” to AGBU Plovdiv in play at April 25th 2015, from 18.00.



In the State Puppet Theatre in Plovdiv, our delightful children from Children’s theater group “Malvina Manukyan” to AGBU Plovdiv Chapter, gave an amazing premiere.
The whole theater scene showed how thoroughly and with a sense of empathy is prepared the play by director Evelina Nikolova seen through its professional look and thorough reading of the novel “Whispered book” by our prominent compatriot Varujan Vosganian. Artistic makeup, theatrical costumes, strong emphasis placed by the director in the shadows and artistic lighting, strongly affected the audience that filled the hall to its capacity.
Bow to the labor of the children, who recreated with a very professional skill sad historical page of our history.



Through their voice will continue to echo around the world that there is no statute of limitations and no reward for what you did, if forgiveness is not requested.


Photo: Part of the premiere: The deportation

Photo: Part of the premiere: In the front is the author; behind is his grandfathers, whose memories he tells the audience