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A Youth Club was founded to AGBU Plovdiv Chapter

A Youth Club AGBU Plovdiv Chapter (2)On 9.01.2016, by decision of the leadership of AGBU Plovdiv Chapter (from December 2015) was established a Youth club of AGBU Plovdiv Chapter on the initiative of Mrs. Araksi Magardichyan – honorary member of AGBU Plovdiv Chapter. At the first meeting of the group (01/16/2016) The elected leadership is composed of: Chairman – Anahid Tateosyan (participated in the program of AGBU Musical Armenia 2014); deputy. Chairman – Tateoss Tateosyan (participated in the program of AGBU Musical Armenia 2014); Secretary-Treasurer – Nadejda Nenkova.

The club has its own regulations approved by the leadership of AGBU Plovdiv Chapter and there are 14 members in it ages 14 to 29.

On 6.02.2016, the club of AGBU youngsters from the club marked with a celebration Poon
Paregentan with masks, treats, music and merriment.

The club has its own program, but their main task is to support the goals and ideas of