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Armenian creates an attractive center in Bulgaria

On April 10, 2017, AGBU Plovdiv Chapter organized a trip for the children from the Saturday School and the Ladies Club to the historic capital of Bulgaria – Pliska.

The children were invited to visit the created two years before by our compatriot, Karen Alexander (born of Armenia), Cyrillic Yard ( The two-meter Bulgarian letters were made by the popular master Ruben Nalbandian in Armenia from the tuff stone and brought to Bulgaria. This place is frequently visited by tourists.

The group from AGBU Plovdiv also examined the museum painting exhibition at the Cyrillic Yard. Here we learned from the tour guide that before the Bulgarian people were baptized, the Bulgarian Tsar Boris I accepted Christianity from Patriarch Photius, who was a prominent Byzantine clergyman, encyclopedist and a ritor from the 9th century, and also of Armenian origin.

The excursion was a reward for their diligence and regular attendance in the Armenian language and Armenian dance classes, as well as the Ladies Club, who are very active in the life of AGBU Plovdiv Chapter.