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Summer camp of AGBU Plovdiv Chapter HayLer-2017

The traditional camp of AGBU Plovdiv Chapter HayLer was held from 15th to 22nd of July 2017.

Villa Viviana, located in the heart of the Rhodope Mountain, sheltered a large group of children. They had come from Plovdiv, Haskovo, Burgas, Varna and Stara Zagora. We also had one guest from Moscow.

During the 8 days of the camp, campers and their animators team created unforgettable memories, had creative arts classes and Armenian dancing lessons, daily Armenian language training through AVC, faith lessons, survival training in nature, how to give first aid, and so on. Part of their amusement during the camp was also the preparation for thematic nights – Evening of the Talent, Contest for the most crazy hairstyle and the most shameful make-up, Humor Evening, fashion show and the most anticipated – The Carnival Evening.

For their training and creative activities, the leadership of the camp invited various lecturers: faith – Nerses Ketikian from Varna, education – arch. Alvard Badvaganyan – Armenian language teacher at AGBU Saturday school, Natasha Nacheva – artist animator, avak humpabed Melik Djamdzhiyan – survival in nature, rafting instructor Leonid Dervhayanian – how to give first aid to a drowning man and how to protect ourselves from injuries in the water, Yana Karaohuyan – Senior nurse at an elite Plovdiv hospital – how to dress a wound and make a cradle for a wounded man. One of the days when children between 5 and 15 years of age visited an amusement park and had a variety of emotional experiences.

A frequent guest of the camp was also the Chairman of AGBU Plovdiv Chapter – Mr. Rupen Chavusyan. Why the Armenian people and their beliefs are strong, told the campers during their visit the Archimandrite of the Armenian Diocese in Bulgaria – Archimandrite Isaac Bochosyan.

On one of the days when the children were on their beds, in the restaurant of the complex, we projected for the older children the latest movie “The Promise”.

The animators of the camp, Irina Andre, Marina, Lilith and Stephanie, provoked in children logical thinking, team games, races that filled the yard of the complex with laughter and joy.

Camp Counselor – Hripsime Erniasyan, Member of the Board of AGBU Plovdiv Chapter and Managing Editor-in-Chief of AGBU Voice newspaper overwatched the camp and, together with the animators, co-ordinated daily every detail of their daytime activities.

At parting, the children promised to meet again next year at the camp of AGBU Plovdiv Chapter – HayLer.

Photographers: Hripsime Erniasyan and Krikor Arakelyan