On January 9, 2016, in the first minute of the classes in Armenian language, the leadership of AGBU Plovdiv Chapter delivers the promised before New…
AGBU Plovdiv Chapter Saturday school On December 27, 2015, just days before Christmas Armenian children studying Armenian language in AGBU Saturday School Plovdiv Chapter made…
On January 9, 2016, in the first minute of the classes in Armenian language, the leadership of AGBU Plovdiv Chapter delivers the promised before New…
At October 10th, 2015 started the classes for children at Armenian Saturday school. The first day was dedicated to the Armenian anthem. The received textbooks…
On November 7, 2015, at the invitation of the Coordination Council of Armenian organizations in Sofia visited famous in Bulgaria and abroad -instrumental vocal group…
On 3 October 2015 in Plovdiv, AGBU Plovdiv chapter organized a concert of vocal – instrumental group “Erebuni”(VIG), on which was presented disk “To Our…
Работим ли в екип? Този израз ще си остане куха тривиална фраза, ако не разбираме дълбокото съдържание на екипния продукт, създаден в това демократично време,…
On 27 June this year, in the Puppet Theatre in Plovdiv was presented the show on the novel by Varujan Vosganian “Whispered book” in Armenian,…